What is The GEP?

The GEP (Global Entrepreneurship Program) is a Masters program put together by three Universities from across the globe: Babson College (Boston, USA), EMLYON Business School (Lyon, France), and Zheijiang University (Hangzhou, China). These three top institutions have come together to create a unique Masters degree that allows students to travel to three different continents in 1 year. As students of this program, we will attempt to immerse ourselves into three unique and contrasting cultures in the hopes of becoming more "entrepreneurial" and "globally" minded individuals.

This is our Blog. Our attempt to capture our transformations, our challenges, our weirdness...


Sunday, March 6, 2011


So what is the Global Entrepreneurship Program?

As the respective Marketing Departments in each school will tell you: the GEP is a program that takes you to 3 different continents…to 3 different universities that are recognized as experts in Entrepreneurship.  Combining first-class teaching with being immersed into three diverse markets, the GEP will prepare you to be a successful entrepreneur in a global context.

But in reality, will all of us start successful enterprises as soon as we graduate? Well…quite honestly, NO. We’ll be lucky if 5% of our current class really become entrepreneurs: self-fulfilled, respected, gloriously boss-less, businesspeople.

But still, this program is truly something special… Not because it’s been ranked #1 in terms of international exposure, or because EM Lyon, Zhejiang, and Babson are business superstars in their respective regions, or because this program will teach us how to hustle, and dream, and build successful organizations out of nothing… If anything, the GEP is an extraordinary, life-changing experience because of its people…

This goes out to those wild, fearless oddballs that scored high enough on their GMATS (or were charismatic enough in their interviews) to get accepted into this crazy program…

‘Portraits’ is a series of vignettes that pays homage to the ridiculous individuals that have become an intimate part of my life during the past 6 months. Because if the GEP amounts to anything…it’s to being a bunch of characters.

Introducing the GEPers of 2011. Please enjoy…

GEP: Class of 2011

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