What is The GEP?

The GEP (Global Entrepreneurship Program) is a Masters program put together by three Universities from across the globe: Babson College (Boston, USA), EMLYON Business School (Lyon, France), and Zheijiang University (Hangzhou, China). These three top institutions have come together to create a unique Masters degree that allows students to travel to three different continents in 1 year. As students of this program, we will attempt to immerse ourselves into three unique and contrasting cultures in the hopes of becoming more "entrepreneurial" and "globally" minded individuals.

This is our Blog. Our attempt to capture our transformations, our challenges, our weirdness...


Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Westerner's Surivival Guide (Part 1)

So, here we go! 59 students, China, winter: the scene is set, the decorations are up, actors have been prepped and powdered.  LIGHTS CAMERA – ACTION!

Before arriving in China, what did we really know about this place? Well, I could have told you that it is quite a big country… the population density here is much higher on average than in Europe or the US…the Great Wall is here somewhere, and just maybe I could have told you about a few things I still remember from the Mulan cartoon…

We all know that this country is developing faster than any other.  Many scientists believe China will become one of the future global powers in the world market. One of the major reasons behind this thought is...production.

China is currently known as the “factory supplying the world.” The label “made in China” is not necessarily associated with quality – but for sure quantity. We also know about the popularity of cheap Chinese labor – but it is not just cheap labor, it is tolerant labor – labor without strikes and unions...harmony and serenity are key ideals that every Chinese employer strives for.

While being here in this program, I have learned to change my mindset, think more globally and to open up to new experiences, new cultures, and new ways of life. So far in China I have opened myself up quite a bit – I even have picked up some new hobbies I would like to share with you.

New hobby #1:
I have learned that it is best to wear two or three sweaters at a time and on no account, to ever take of my coat. Never.  Not even in the buildings.

New hobby #2:
Drink hot water.  Coffee is just not easy to buy here; there aren't any coffee machines or cafes (at least none that are open past 5pm, which just won’t do since we are in school until 7pm). Some people have started drinking tea… I guess for me, I have yet to embrace the Chinese culture to its full extent.  Maybe one day I will betray my beloved Starbucks for some tea…who knows, after 4 months anything can happen.

New hobby #3:
Walk fast, look back often, and recoil sharply – in China they do not drive, in China they crush.
In China most drivers are not aware of the fact that they have lights on their vehicles; lights that will enable them to warn others when they want to change lanes.   The select few who know that they have lights still do not understand that they have to use them BEFORE they change lanes, not after.

Another one of my favorite characteristic of Chinese drivers is their desire to show that they have a horn. They do not use their breaks out of principle but honk constantly instead! Consequently, there is always an opportunity to get crushed by a car or become half deaf. 

New hobby #4:
There is nothing like rice: rice for breakfast, rice for lunch, rice for dinner, rice as a starter, rice as a main dish, rice as a desert – RICE! Oh…and if you love meat, be ready for a much dryer version of it here.  As a result, under “New hobby #4,” I would like to emphasize my desire to eat a variety of meats…meats that I believe my cat would never eat!

I will elaborate on this point further next time, so until then stay warm and look both ways when crossing the street…



Binhas said...

Nice post Dasha

Unknown said...

thank you Dasha ... feed my list.