What is The GEP?

The GEP (Global Entrepreneurship Program) is a Masters program put together by three Universities from across the globe: Babson College (Boston, USA), EMLYON Business School (Lyon, France), and Zheijiang University (Hangzhou, China). These three top institutions have come together to create a unique Masters degree that allows students to travel to three different continents in 1 year. As students of this program, we will attempt to immerse ourselves into three unique and contrasting cultures in the hopes of becoming more "entrepreneurial" and "globally" minded individuals.

This is our Blog. Our attempt to capture our transformations, our challenges, our weirdness...


Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Westerner's Survival Guide to China (Part 2)

So we have been in China for a month and a half now and so many things have already happened! We had Chinese New Year’s Eve, the Valentine’s Day celebration and the Lantern Festival just last night.  It has been a crazy experience thus far, but I know there is plenty more to come.

The last time I wrote, I was introducing you to some of my new hobbies.  Let’s continue on my journey into the world of Chinese culture.

Concerning culture – if in China, please do not take it as a personal insult if, after having spent some time waiting in line to purchase one thing or another, a Chinese person comes up and steps right in front of you. What I have learned is that if this happens, it is your fault - leaving two meters between you and the cashier is far too much space. Chinese people consider such distances as free space that anyone can step into.

China is also a place that forces us to become more creative. Please find below my victory in a battle with any electrical outlet…

When trying to plug my phone charger in I found that it only worked if I plugged the charger in and then held it in an upright position – as I could not stand like that for an hour waiting for my phone to charge I had to improvise.  I give you my latest invention… “The Chinese Phone Charger Adapter Device.”

Another thing China teaches us is to be thankful! Thankful for small things you do not even notice in your life – for example heating systems or toilets…

I have also learned that in China you can become famous.  Come to China and smile at people and they will take pictures of you with their mobile phones like the paparazzi.  So to anyone who dreams about being Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie, I invite you to jump on the next flight to China and spend a few weeks here…it is only half a day’s flight away!

In China everything is cheap, no joke!  On the other hand, quality of goods is up for some debate, but for such little money the temptation to buy and resell for a profit takes a bit of will power.

Most of you are probably aware that China is a fairly large country and differs quite a bit across its regions. Shanghai is a large beautiful city with a lot of restaurants, bars, stores, and clubs – all of which look like a scene from a Hollywood movie. Shanghai is like many big cities - you can find anything you want there. It lives and breathes like a giant never sleeping conglomerate.

Now if you go south from Shanghai you will find a small city called Yiwu – an endless kingdom of wholesaling: stores all the way to the horizon.  You can find everything in this small distributor’s paradise; candles, purses, lighters you name it! 

Included in China is also Hong Kong, Beijing, Tibet and many other cities I have not visited yet.  But what do you expect…I mean I have only been living here for a few weeks.

This also means that we have only just begun our business projects but don’t worry; I will soon be sharing my experiences of business in China with you as well.  So stayed tuned – don’t change the station – you won’t want to miss what is coming! ;)

From a not very cold, but completely heat-less China,

Still with love,


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